Are You a Member of the Media?


Media Contact

Kelli C. Baxter, ATA Executive Director
+1-703-683-6100 ext. 3010  |

What is the American Translators Association?

Founded in 1959, ATA是世界上最大的翻译和口译专业协会,拥有来自100多个国家的数千名语言专家.

ATA的使命是促进对专业翻译和口译人员的认可, to facilitate communication among its members, to establish standards of competence and ethics, 为会员提供专业发展机会, and to advocate on behalf of the profession.

What’s a translator?
What’s an interpreter?
What’s the difference?


Understanding what’s at stake

翻译和口译错误可能代价高昂,甚至是灾难性的. 聘请合格的笔译和口译人员至关重要. ATA can help you find the right professional.

Video Library

ATA提供了一个视频库,重点介绍了它的许多活动、计划和会员福利. Watch them all!

School Outreach 2022 Contest Winner

ATA member Aída Carrazco, an English to Spanish translator based in Mexico, won the 2022 ATA School Outreach Contest. See photos and videos from her presentation.

The ATA Mentoring Experience

听导师们描述他们参加ATA辅导计划的经历. Mentors volunteer to help mentees but, in return, 他们获得了新的视角和欣赏他们的翻译和口译事业.

ATA 64th Annual Conference: Get Ready!

No matter what your language, specialty, or experience level, 你会发现提高技能和发展业务的方法. Get a glimpse of ATA64 in Miami, October 25-28, 2023.

ATA 63rd Annual Conference: Highlights

美国航空运输协会第63届年会于2022年10月12日至15日在洛杉矶举行. Relive ATA63 with event highlights and attendee experiences!

Public Outreach

专业笔译和口译的重要性往往不为大众所理解. As part of an ongoing outreach campaign, ATA提供供出版的内容,将见解传播给广泛的读者.

How to Translate Your Website: 3 Key Considerations

You’ve launched a website for your business or organization. Congratulations! Now, what next? If you want to reach an even wider audience for your website, consider translating it into a different language. 你知道把你的网站翻译成另一种语言可以帮助你吸引更多来自世界各地的网站访问者吗?…

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With a set of quality standards in place, 有可能使英语水平有限的个人能够获得医疗保健,而不会延迟患者护理或中断您的工作流程. As many as 1 in 10 working-age adults in the U.S. has limited English proficiency (LEP). 更不用说这一现实对个人就业和经济的影响了,……

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Machine Translation vs. 人工翻译:人工智能将取代世界上第二古老的职业吗?

译者为自己是优秀的沟通者而自豪,他们也应该如此. After all, it’s their job! But sometimes, 即使是最好的沟通者,也可能会因为与听众缺乏共同点而说到面红耳赤,但仍然没有真正传达出需要说的内容. That’s exactly what happened in the…

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Breaking Intercultural Communication Barriers in Business

你是否曾经感到在工作中冒犯了别人却不知道为什么? 或者你曾经和来自不同文化背景的人一起工作,发现他们的行为令人困惑吗, or even rude? 当涉及到不同的文化时,这些类型的误解是常见的. 在当今全球化的商业环境中,你可能会经常互动……

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随着全球数百万人将他们的课程甚至社交聚会转移到网上, 讲不同语言的人之间的国际商务和会议看起来大不相同. In a pre-pandemic world, 以及全球成千上万的其他专业语言口译员, 我有规律地促进了面对面的多语言互动. Now, with a few adjustments, we…

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How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Free Online Translation Tools

Ahead of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, 中国当局在全市范围内开展了一项纠正令人尴尬的翻译失误的活动. 这些错误的翻译包括将残疾人标记为“畸形”的标志,以及建议“小心滑倒”的湿地警告!当媒体对这篇报道大做文章的时候,许多翻译却摇了摇头. Why?…

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无论你身处哪个行业,视频内容都可能是你营销策略的一部分. And if it’s not, it should be. According to a report by Cisco, 到2022年,在线视频将占所有消费者互联网流量的82%以上. 72%的顾客宁愿了解产品或服务……

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在错误信息和假新闻猖獗的时候, communication, and more specifically the written word, is arguably more important than ever. 公关专业人士最不愿意做的事情就是向挑剔的受众传达错误的信息,从而损害品牌形象. 事实上,PR预算在下降,广告费用在减少……

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At the time of this writing, millions of Americans are have been ordered to stay home, 如果你会说英语,这些说明就很难理解了——对于8%被认为是英语水平有限的美国人来说,就更难了。. 随着新的更新和指导方针的发布,全天只使用英语交流,对于大多数…

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The U.S. is the largest consumer market on earth, 但你知道吗,世界上96%的消费者居住在国外(根据美国的数据).S. Small Business Administration)? Nonetheless, 内容营销人员主要关注英语市场,因为他们的互联网普及率高,消费率高. Translating and adapting content for…

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Are You a Member of the Media?


Media Contact

Kelli C. Baxter, ATA Executive Director
+1-703-683-6100 ext. 3010  |